How To Handle References On Your CV

How To Handle References On Your CV

When applying for a job, it's common for employers to ask for references from previous employers, colleagues, or other professionals who can speak to your work experience and character. Including references on your CV can help demonstrate your credibility and professionalism, but it's important to handle them correctly to avoid any misunderstandings or mistakes.

Here are some tips on how to handle references on your CV:

  1. Determine if references are required: Before including references on your CV, check the job description or ask the employer if they require them. Some employers may prefer to request references later in the hiring process, so it's important to confirm before including them.
  2. Choose your references wisely: Select references who are relevant to the job you're applying for and who can speak positively about your skills and experience. Ideally, choose references who you have worked with recently and who can provide specific examples of your work.
  3. Ask for permission: Contact your potential references beforehand to ask for their permission to be included on your CV. This gives them the opportunity to decline if they're not comfortable or if they're unable to provide a reference at that time.
  4. Format your references correctly: Include your references on a separate page at the end of your CV, listing their name, job title, company, email, and phone number. You can also include a brief summary of your relationship with each reference and how they know you.
  5. Notify your references: Let your references know that you have included them on your CV and inform them about the job you're applying for. It's also a good idea to provide them with a copy of your CV and the job description to help them prepare for any potential reference calls.
  6. Keep your references up-to-date: If you change jobs or lose contact with a reference, update your CV accordingly. You don't want a potential employer to contact a reference who is no longer available or who has outdated information.

In summary, references can be a valuable asset to your CV, but it's important to handle them correctly to make a positive impression on potential employers. Choose your references wisely, format them correctly, and keep them up-to-date to ensure a smooth and successful job application process.

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